Safety Measures in Using Mezzanine Platforms

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Mezzanine platforms are useful warehouse tools that provide extra storage space. However, when not used and maintain properly, they may cause more harm than bring additional help. It is, therefore, important to observe safety measures when using your mezzanine platform in the warehouse or facility centers.

Here are some safety measures that warehouse workers need to keep in mind and observe to prevent danger and accidents from happening.

  1. As much as possible, have the manufacturer of your mezzanine platform install it in your warehouse. They know their product well, so it is best to let them handle the installation work. However, if your team has to do it, make sure to carefully read the installation manual first before doing the actual set up.
  1. Identify the weight capacity of your mezzanine platform and religiously follow it when storing products and equipment. Make sure that you don’t exceed its weight limit to keep it functional for a long time.
  1. Use anti-slip mats, hand rails, and other safety features with your mezzanine for added security and safety. These mezzanine accessories will prevent workers from slipping, stumbling, or falling while on the platform.
  1. Make sure that only authorized personnel have access to the mezzanine platform. Not only will it serve as a control measure for product inventory and access, but is also a safety measure that will prevent from unauthorized workers from getting into troubles.
  1. Regularly check and monitor the condition of your mezzanine platform and confirm that it is still functional at all times. Otherwise, if you see any damage or loose nut or bolt, have it fixed right away to avoid further damage or accidents. Contact your mezzanine manufacturer and have them solve the problem immediately.

These are just some safety guidelines that you and your co-workers need to keep in mind when using the mezzanine to ensure a safe working environment. To learn more about mezzanine platforms and how they can be of help for your material handling needs, consult us!

Mezzanines by Design

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