Maintenance Tips for Cantilever Racking Systems

A cantilever racking system is an important storage tool for materials that are not easily stored in a pallet storage system. It is ideally used for long and heavy products including pipe, tubing, oil tools, and lumber. When used properly and maintained well, cantilever racking systems can withstand for a long period of time and be used over and over again.

Cantilever Racking Systems

It is, therefore, important to maintain cantilever racks to avoid damages and be able to use them for a long time. Here are some maintenance tips for cantilever racking systems.

1. Get a cantilever rack with a height, weight, and volume according to your warehouse’s requirements. Getting one that is too small or too tall may not fit appropriately inside your warehouse. Make sure that you have made the right measurements before getting or having one installed.

2. Determine the maximum weight capacity of your cantilever rack and follow it religiously. Make sure that the total weight of the products you are storing is within the weight limit of the system. Otherwise, the system might carry too much weight and tension, and might cause its immediate damage.

3. Regularly check your system for any damage that needs to be repaired. When you find one, stop using it for the meantime to avoid further harm and accidents. Instead, have a professional look at it and repair it so it will be restored to its original form.

4. Post warning signs and labels on each side of your cantilever racking system. This will guide your employees about the proper use of the system and the right way of storing your products.

5. Keep unauthorized people from accessing the cantilever rack. When heavy items are stored in or taken down from the rack inappropriately, they may cause harm to workers. Ensure that only eligible workers can work on the storage system.

These are just some helpful tips on how to use and maintain cantilever racks. For more information about the proper use and maintenance of cantilever racking systems, consult with the experts at

Making Warehouse Storage Systems Work for You


Storage is an extremely essential part of every warehouse space and a crucial component for material handling businesses. When you have the right warehouse storage systems, not only will you have more space available for stock and equipment; more importantly, they can increase the efficiency of your operations and productivity of your employees.

Here are some tips on how you can make your storage systems work for you.

  1. Maximize the space in your warehouse by installing storage systems that ergonomically fit. There is a wide variety of storage systems available for different products and items. Know which ones are perfect in storing the products that you are handling.
  1. Get durable, long-lasting systems that can accommodate heavy weights and rigorous storing processes. A weak, unstable system can be a safety hazard and might bring constant inconvenience when it gets damaged over and over again.
  1. Above everything else, keep safety in mind. No matter how well your storage system is installed in place, remind your employees to practice safety measures at all times. It will be helpful if you place warning signs and labels all over your warehouse to ensure that proper caution will be observed.
  1. Practice efficient ways of stocking, storing, and retrieving. Place fast-moving products in prime locations, while slow-moving ones at the back, which is not easily accessed. This way, you won’t be able to abuse the use of storage systems, while increasing the productivity of your operations.

When stocking products in your warehouse, it is not enough that you install warehouse storage systems. More importantly, you have to use them intelligently and with proper care to make them work for you. For more information about various storage systems in the warehouse, consult with th4e experts at MSS Houston by visiting